First Evening Together
Well, Ben never napped! Go figure! On account of this, he was a very tired little guy all evening. The upside of this is that he is SO CUTE when he is tired :) He rubs his little eyes with the back of his hands and makes this a pathetic little moaning sound. Makes you just want to eat him up!
He slept pretty well all night except about 1:00am he woke him self up farting. And, I mean FARTING!!!! I had to try so hard not to giggle so that he could go to sleep! After a while, the coast was clear (so to speak!) and he fell back asleep. It is now 6:00am (the wake-up-time that his nannies gave us) and he is just starting to stir. He does not cry to get up- he just kind of rolls around. Wonder how long it will take him to learn the crying game?!
Well, for our first evening together we learned alot about Ben. For instance:
-It will probably be weeks before he lets go of his teether keyring (although he does not bite it- he just holds it to death and sometimes shakes it if we ask him to)
-Most Chinese kids only like hot (really HOT) milk or water. Ben is okay with room temperature or even chilled
-Most Chinese kids love watermelon and hate oranges (too sour). Ben spit the watermelon right out and gobbled the oranges down
-He loves pork (should get along well with his sister the bacon fanatic) and cereal bars (his brother will appreciate that)
-When he eats his porridge it gets in his nose and I am afraid that he is breathing it in (need to ask the nannies about that one)
-He loves his stacking cups and learned very quickly which order to stack them in (smart guy!)
-Ben can stand if he is holding onto something or someone. This gives us hope for walking in the near future
-When he is tired he chews on the first 2 fingers of his left hand
-He is SUPER DUPER QUIET most of the time except when he is laughing (then he totally lets it out!)
-He can crawl. We learned this by putting him into his first bath. He REALLY did not appreciate it and tried to get himself right out of there :)
-He farts... ALOT
This morning we will go back to the government affairs office and finalize the adoption paperwork. Then he will be officially Benjamin Li Ingersoll forever and ever. After that we are off for some shopping and leisure activities (what, I thought shopping was a leisure activity???).
I uploaded some more pictures to our shutterfly photo album at the top right of the blog.
Oh, by the way, if our favorite dentist Michael Patterson happens to be looking, please ignore the picture of Ben sleeping with the bottle in his mouth. Just pretend that it never happened...
I am laughing so hard over the fart tales. Enjoy shopping.
It is so good to hear all about Ben. This morning I showed Max a close up picture of Ben that you have in your Shutterfly, his face lit up and he said LiLa, I'm sure he was saying LiLi because most everything Max says has an "a" sound on the end. I thought it was awesome that he reconized him. For a while this morning he kept saying LiLa. I wished we lived closer. They were buddies. If you find anything out from the orphanage that I probably forgot to ask, fill me in later. Hope all continues to go great.
Love you,
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